Candle Wax Memory

Candle Wax Memory

Did you know that candle wax has memory?

The first time you burn a candle, it's important to allow the wax to melt all the way to the edges of the jar or container. This is known as a “candle memory,” and it helps prevent the candle from forming tunneling or small, deep wells.

Candles should burn one hour for every 1 inch in diameter of the actual candle size. For example, a candle that is 2 inches across should burn for 2 hours.

See below our 3 best tips for keeping our beautiful candles in their best form!

1. Ensure wicks are upright and trimmed to 1/4 inch for each use. This prevents soot build up.

2. Ensure all wicks are lit when lighting a candle to allow for an even burn.

3. Burn for at least 2 hours and no longer than 4 hours.

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